Even though I have included them in the requirements.txt file, Im unable to deploy
by pingvizcodes on Jan. 5, 2025, 7:02 a.m.
Sorry to hear that you ran into some trouble.
After investigating the issue, it seems like the cause is related to a PyPi package named "logging" that is in your requirements.txt file.
When Pip goes to install that package, it triggers a syntax error within the "logging" package. I didn't look too deep there, but my guess is that since the package is from 2013, it may be an incompatible Python 2 package.
?[31m ?[0m import logging
?[31m ?[0m File "/tmp/pip-install-jwj73sw5/logging_d84be1098c4844dd90b68fddd9d4cd24/logging/init.py", line 618
?[31m ?[0m raise NotImplementedError, 'emit must be implemented '\
?[31m ?[0m ^
?[31m ?[0m SyntaxError: invalid syntax
?[31m ?[0m ?[31m[end of output]?[0m
Any time Pip encounters a fatal error like that, none of the packages are installed.
Hopefully if you remove that package from requirements.txt, the rest of your packages will install.
Happy to help further.
by zach on Jan. 5, 2025, 12:49 p.m.